How One Check Changed My Mom’s Beliefs

By Nicholas Dixon

My mother has always wanted me to become a policeman. For whatever reasons, she has been pushing the idea on me since the day I left high school. It was even more pressuring when I was unemployed.

It was when I started working I discovered that it was possible to have an online business and create a source of income from it.

Back in the year 2000 when I built my first website, I faced many obstacles and opposition mainly from some of my family and friends. As far as they were concerned the internet is nothing more than a gigantic scam waiting to drain precious dollars out of your pocket.

I was once scammed in the infamous 090isp program. I remember going to work for several days without lunch after using my paycheck to send the money order to pay for my website only to find out it was all a fluke. I was laughed at by my friends and called a fool for handing my money to people I don’t know.


Something inside of me refused to give up and I decided then that proving to them that money can be made online would be my only vindication. To make matters worse, I did not have a PC and I had to resort to using the ones at work to build my dreams.

Eventually, my boss soon found out about my profound interest in spending so much time online and I was warned more than once to cease and desist. Not even that could stop me from moving forward.

Right in the middle of it all, I had my first child and suddenly resources were getting even scarcer. I used my situation as a motivator to build my dreams for a better life i.e. taking life’s lemons to make lemonade.

The two main mental tools that I use are belief and perseverance. A strong belief in what I am doing and persevering to work that dream to fruition.

Without them I would have stopped when my loved ones laughed at and ridiculed me for chasing pie-in-the-sky dreams.

There is a lot more I could tell you but I will stop here. This article is not about me but is really about you. I just want you to understand where I am coming from so that we can see things eye to eye.

My reason for bearing some of my soul to you and sharing some of my struggles are for you to draw some inspiration from it. If you find yourself in a similar position or worse, your dreams are still possible if you believe, persevere and strive for your goals.

And someday you may appreciate your tenacity the way I did when I received my first online check. I will never forget the look on the face of my co-workers face the day the courier delivered the check to my workplace. Or the way my Mom looked when she held my check with disbelief. Her first words were ‘Son, it is a good thing that you did not become a policeman.

About the Author: Nicholas Dixon built his mini online empire without owning a PC. If he can do it then so can you. Make major money instead of pocket change. Find out more @


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