Cleaning Tips For A Sheeny Shiny Chest Of Drawers

Chest of drawers has a closed and compact kind of a structure, which allows the exposure of only the outer periphery, whereas, as a matter of fact, there are a proper machinery and hidden wood surfaces in there, that make it what it is. As much as it simplifies the issue of storing the minuscule, yet important things at the easiest access, it is equally difficult to clean the drawer inside out. Because they are a closed furniture model, therefore, in the dark inside there are more chances of moth multiplication, than you can even imagine, which makes it important to keep it tidy from time to time.

But, do not worry, read out the following cleaning tips, that will make the process a whole lot easier:Empty the chest of drawers:The basic step is to bring out all the things that were stored inside the drawer so that you can better see the inside surface and clean easily. Do not just bring out everything haphazardly, in fact, just try to make already a proper segregation of what is coming from which drawer and is going back to which drawer. The process gets simplified that way.


If the odor coming from the drawer is strong then, just make sure you remove all the paper inserts or liners that can disturb or irritate you while you clean them. If there is a lot of debris accumulated in there then use the broom and cup to bring it all out.

Disinfect them in and out:When it comes to disinfecting the furniture, we might try to use antiseptic disinfectants like Dettol or salon, but they are not natural, plus can not promise to pertain the wood quality. So, in that case, using the natural disinfectants like Borax or Vinegar turns out to be the best solution. But how to use both these natural disinfectant to clean you your drawers, you have to check:Borax:With the anti-fungal and insect-killing properties, this borax can be found anywhere in the supermarket. You have to make a thick paste of this white as chalk, 1/4 cup Borax powder in lukewarm water and then apply it inside the drawer boxes. This can clean and disinfect the wood, but make sure you do not over scrub it in there, now should you let the powder settle for a longer duration, leading to the formation of white stains on the wooden surface. It can also kill the odor and is indeed the best thing to make use of while removing the fungus, mold or mildew.Vinegar: This is an even better cleaning agent that can be called as a bactericide. The half cup vinegar solution, when mixed in a glassful of lukewarm water, can be used to wipe off the inner surface and also the outer surface of the chest of drawers. Vinegar can clear all the mold, mildew and dirt from the drawers and have little or no chance of harming the furniture quality. Although some people are allergic to the smell of vinegar, if you let it be overnight, then the odor gets dissipated eventually. Let the drawer under the fan so that it gets dried and the odor passes out.

Deodorize completely:If the drawers in the chest are all clean, but you feel there is some pungent smell coming from them, then you can only use the deodorizer and fix the problem. And if the drawers you are cleaning are intended to store the clothes of your baby or any other clothing material, they make sure there is no smell in there. In order to deodorize the drawers, you can use the following:Borax: You have to evenly sprinkle or spread the borax powder on the inside of the drawer and the cover it with any garbage bag or any other bag, completely. Let the powder sit for 12 hours, and then open it and evacuate the powder from there. Wooh! The smell is gone.Charcoal:Activated charcoal absorbs the odor and impurities. You can keep a piece of activated charcoal inside each drawer so that the smell is killed and there is freshness all the time. But if the wood is taking up the black stain, the refrain from doing that, and instead make a bag, and store the charcoal in that. Baking Soda:You can also use baking soda and spread it in the drawer and let it sit for a week or so. Then you can remove it off and feel the difference yourself. The other option is that you can even keep a small bag of baking soda inside your drawers and make holes in that bag so that freshness factor remains in there forever.

Wrap them up back:Now that the entire chest of drawer is clean and odor free, you can pack all of them back inside and place the things in there respective places.